Monday, August 29, 2005

Dreamland Poem

People that know me know I'm not the religious sort. But this is the poem Kerry and I found in Lakeview Cemetery as the final clue to the Dreamland cache. The decor on this memorial was nautical in nature, and this reminded me of my dad. He loved to sail, and we used a nautical poem at his funeral. So - this post is for my dad.


What if this life should prove a dream,
a slumber journey to a fancied sphere:
Would the return to consciousness redeem
The loss, eternal, of the dreamland here?

What if the scenes and friendships that seem real
Were but the vision of a reverie:
Would the awakening again reveal
The picture of the dreamland mystery?

Or would the thoughts, reflected in review
Of the dream incidents, recalled again,
Forever pass away, as most dreams do,
And naught of dreamland's memories remain?

What, if a choice were offered from above,
To live on earth, or dwell with the Supreme,
Forgetting all the ties, endearments, love,
In this strange life, if it should prove a dream.

What, if the future life, too, were denied
Returning glimpses of the dreamland shore -
What could the God of all above provide
In lieu of the lost dream - to dream no more.

-Albert Anthony Augustus
Cleveland, September 10th, 1925


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was raised in Cleveland Heights and my father took the family, each year, to Lake View Cemetery for the annual Memorial Day Commemoration. Living now in Hawai'i, I've been searching some time for my favorite poem, "Dreamland," by Albert Anthony Augustus. Thank you for finding it for me.
Aloha, David Williams

6:53 PM  

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