Sunday, August 14, 2005


I REALLY wish I hadn't made that comment about posting from the winner's circle after the race yesterday. Because team Booty Fett lost. And lost BIG. We were doomed from the beginning - we got confused about an altered clue that was supposed to be applied later in the race, and tried to apply it to the first clue. So we lost almost 3 hours to that. Then we got hung up in the parks in Westerville - we couldn't really figure out which one we were supposed to go to to find the next clue. But, in the end, we had fun and I found myself on the top of Hoover Dam, which I've never been to before. We also ended up in Inniswood Park in Westerville - it is has themed, well-sculpted gardens with various paths, ponds, and waterfalls. In one part of the park I felt a little bit like Alice In Wonderland. It's a beautiful place and I would recommend going there.
For everything we had to aid us in our search, we just weren't prepared for what we had to do. We did, however, have a bar stool in the trunk - just in case we needed it. After the race Ruth and Bill threw a great party, and fun was had by all - even the losers. We look forward to next year - I think they are considering giving a prize for the most improved team - and there's just no way we could miss that one. For now I'll stick to geocaching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog and your pictures. It is a fun way to see areas that you have never seen before. Maybe it would be a good preamble to next year's bonfire.
Uncle Joe

5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an adventurous person you are! And the pictures - you must have a great camera! I enjoy reading your blog and your very clever comments. You must have the neatest parents ever.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! You were really lost if you ended up on the Nevada and Arizona border!

9:24 PM  

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