Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Booty Fett

I am about to embark on a great journey. It's isn't a geocache, but I believe there will be ample opportunity to use the gps. My friends Bill and Ruth are hosting a scavenger hunt today, called The Adams Amazing Race. It consists of teams of up to four people racing around Franklin County solving puzzles and gathering clues. Race times are noon until 6pm, during which time you find as many of these clues as possible. The only tool we are required to have is a digital camera, but Bill gave permission for whatever other electronic devices might aid us in our search, such as gps units, wireless laptops, etc. My team consists of myself, my cousin Chris Murnieks, David Land, and Chris Hannon. Our team name? Yep - The Booty Fett. If ever there were a day to wear my Bounty Hunter shirt this is it. (Aside from the opening day of Revenge of the Sith, which is why I purchased the shirt - what a nerd.) Bill had indicated that were I to include my cousin on this team, we have a very good chance of winning. That would indicate that it is highly detail-oriented and geeky to the extreme. So wish us luck. Maybe I'll report back from the winner's circle.


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