Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hawaiian Caching - Honeymoon Style!

Here I am, almost 2 years after my last post. My boyfriend from my last post is now my husband, and to celebrate that I decided to post a couple of pictures of our cache in Hawaii. I just looked back at my previous posts and realized I never actually said that Mark was my boyfriend, in case anyone at work read my blog. (and I know at least a few people did!) Well, they've all figured it out by now so there you go. And hopefully this post will get me started again, and I can once more captivate tens of people with my tales of caching in the name of Wheaton!
Anyway, as you can see - we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and these pictures were taken on the island of Kauai. We only found a couple of caches there - that's all we really had time for. We were married in Vegas (in the presence of 25 close friends and family - a truly wonderful experience!), and we never had time to pick up the cache that was right outside the Luxor, which is where we stayed and were married. I can't tell you how PISSED I am that I missed my chance at a Nevada cache. During a trip out west last year, I managed to get caches in 10 more states, and I was excited to add Nevada. But oh well - I got Hawaii!
I think I'm getting Spring Fever, because I've really got the caching bug lately. I'm hoping to do a lot more of it this spring and summer, and I'm finally going to branch out and plant my own. About time, huh? THEN we'll have some fun! You can see more Hawaii pictures here: http://picasaweb.google.com/CoachFlynn91/HawaiianHoneymoon


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