These Dreams

The weather was fab on Sunday (though we got a late start because I slept so long). We did a cache called "Dreamland", which was in Lakeview Cemetery - the cemetery with the big Garfield memorial, and where Rockefeller is buried. It is an unbelievably vast cemetery - beautiful. It has the largest monuments I have ever seen. Kerry reported that it takes 20 minutes to walk from one side of the cemetery to the other, among huge trees and gigantic natural-looking rocks that had been made in to tombstones. This cache required us to tromp around a large portion of the cemetery, getting clues from various headstones. In case you haven't noticed, some of the very best caches lead you to the dead. Our last clue was a big monument with a poem on it. I've posted the poem below. We found the cache easily enough. This was the perfect cache. Known as a "multi-cache", it has you decipher clues and leads you from point to point. The cache was well-placed and not hard to find. However - while we were behind the mausoleum checking out the contents of the cache, some guy came wondering around the side. He was sort of surprised to find someone back there, much less two women sorting through trinkets and signing a log book. I think I had a Star Trek trading card in my hand (it had a picture of Wesley Crusher - which we might start using as our calling card). Kerry and I plan on going back to Lakeview in the fall - it really is a very interesting place.
As a side note: I was doing a spellcheck on this post, and it did not recognize "SerenityNow" and wanted me to replace it with "cremations". Weird.
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